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This blog is designed to answer common FAQ about computers. Our library of Q&A is expanding every day so you can have your questions answered quickly. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to send us mail through our Youtube Channel. DISCLAIMER: FlashCreations is not responsible for any action taken based on our articles that caused damage to your property.

How-To: Be a Better Note-Taker

How-To: Become a Better Note-Taker

For some the school year is already upon us, and for others, it is just about to be. Note-taking is one of the most important skills for a student to possess. It helps them take in lots of information as the teacher explains it and writes up on the board. Without good note-taking skills, you can be stuck with piles of paper that mean virtually nothing to you. In this edition of How-To, you can learn how to improve your note taking schools (and maybe boost that English Grade!). Read More...

, , , 8/31/2008 01:24:00 AM

Top Posts for August

1 Comment »

Every month form now on I will be posting a Top Posts of The Month article so you can see the articles that fans are reading. For this month (August) there were several big posts that I will be including in this report (I may also redo some of the ones listed to be up-to-date with newer technology!). Side Note: It has been quite some time since I have posted anything about the new theme. I have been trying to upload it for ages now and Blogger simply won't accept the template. It says there are some problems with the tags (Read my Web Programming Articles to learn what those are) not being closed properly. I have validated the template with several sites and besides some errors that don't affect the visual aspect, they say nothing about this unclosed tag. Anyway, I am going to continue working on this template until it is fixed. Thank you all for your great patience. In the mean time, I will be posting a lot of articles to keep you guys busy while I work on the kinks. And again, help with either writing articles or finding bugs with the new template would be greatly appreciated as it is hard to keep up with writing articles, working on fixing the template, and all the other stuff I have to do. If you have some coding knowledge (HTML and CSS) or if you could write some articles, please email me. If you happen to help I might even consider making you part of the FlashCreations team. Thanks Everyone!! And now, the top articles of August:

  1. Torrents: Legal or Illegal [Article]
  2. Freeware Roundup [Free Sofware]
  3. Get Rid of the Hello Message on Youtube [How-To]
  4. Download Videos from Youtube [How-To]
  5. Watch Movies and TV Shows Legally for Free [Tip]
  6. The Best Protection [Article]
  7. Disable the UAC in Windows Vista [How-To]
  8. Reset Your Windows Password [How-To]
  9. My Favorite Firefox Addons [List]
  10. Optomize Your Computer to Peak Condition [How-To]
, , 8/26/2008 05:07:00 PM

Tip: Launch Programs Quicker With Speed Launch

Tip: Launch Programs Quicker With Speed Launch

Microsoft is not the favorite when it comes to software production. Yes they have created the Office suite and Vista and XP and pretty much everything that is on a fresh install of a PC. We always, though, find some major bug with their software that doesn't happen with freeware. Bugs and errors are part of any Microsoft program, and yes they are annoying (This is quite an understatement!), but there are some products that Microsoft makes that are pretty reliable. Anyway, enough with my rambling; let's get to the point. Microsoft Office Labs (I don't know why they are calling it Office Labs since this program has nothing to do with Office) has released a beta program called Speed Launch, and it's aim (Hahaha!! Get it. The icon is a target...never mind) is to speed up access to programs (hence the name Speed Launch, duh!). And remarkably, I haven't had it crash yet (Three days with no crashes, why that's a Microsoft record!!). Read More...

, , 8/23/2008 06:11:00 PM

List: My Favorite Online Gaming Sites

List: My Favorite Online Gaming Websites

So you find yourself sitting at your computer absolutely bored out of your mind. What should you do? Check your email? Read this blog (This is a good idea too!!)? How about play some online games. There are tons of sites out there, but which one to choose? Hopefully this list, will help you find out which site you will go to. Read More...

, , , , 8/22/2008 10:40:00 PM

New Site BETA Release

New Site BETA Release

As the new site nears completion, I will be releasing a beta version for testing online. You can help with the beta testing by taking a screen shot of how the site looks to you and providing your browser and operating system. You may upload the image to photobucket or another photo sharing site and send us a link through the contact page. For help on taking a screen shot see this wikihow article. The beta site will be released on flashcreations-beta.blogspot.com at Midnight on Thursday (In Eastern Time) as long as there are no delays. Once the beta site is up, please help by emailing us your view. If you can't upload a screen shot, you can also describe features that you think need fixed. Any suggestions or tips can help too. If you are an experienced HTML and CSS program you can also contribute by offering your coding knowledge. Any help will aid us in releasing the new site earlier. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to offer help with the new site, please email. Thanks!! Also, Don't Forget to include your screen resolution when you send us an email. If you are not sure what your screen resolution is, see this WikiHow for help.

, , , 8/19/2008 03:25:00 AM

Update: The New Site

Update: The New Site

So I am sure everyone has been wondering why there haven't been any posts for the past few days. Did he disappear? Nope. Did he just stop posting? Of course not! Even worse, did he lose his password? Never in a million years!! While none of those reasons were right, there is one that is; I am working on a new layout for the site!!! Click read more to view some sneak previews of the new layout, along with some upcoming articles that you will see in the future! Read More...

, , , 8/15/2008 01:12:00 PM

List: My Favorite Firefox Addons

List: My Favorite Firefox Addons

For those of you who are Firefox users, you may know about one of the great features, addons. Addons are created by other Firefox users and can do anything from display sports scores, to remind you what day your sister's birthday is on or the date of your doctor's appointment. There are thousands of these on the Firefox Addons Website, but which ones should you get. It is different for every person's needs, but here are some of my favorite Firefox addons. Read More...

, , 8/11/2008 02:14:00 AM

Quick Tip: Clear All Browsing History

Quick Tip: Clear All Browsing History

We have all visited sites that we wouldn't want others to know about. It could have been a personal site, secure banking site, or something else. Whatever the case, someone can easily find where you have been by going to the history. For those that are more advanced they look at your temporary internet files and find where the files downloaded came from. This could reveal personal information about where you have been on the web. We value you privacy so in this edition of quick tips, you will be learning how to clear all traces of where you have been. Read More...

How-To: Update Firefox + 10 Reasons to Switch to Firefox

How-To: Update Firefox + 10 Reasons to Switch to Firefox

By now, everyone has probably heard of Firefox 3.1 and if you are Firefox users, you have probably had some problems updating from 3.0 to 3.1. I have heard over the web that there were some problems with your personal data not being saved. It might be too late for some, but for others who haven't updated or still have Internet Explorer, this is your warning. For some reason the install will overwrite all your personal data such as saved passwords, history, etc. This can be quite a pain if you rely on Firefox to remember everything for you. You are in luck because there is a solution to your problem. Read More...

How-To: Convert Your Files into a Readable Format

How-To: Convert Your Files into a Readable Format

Have you ever been one step from uploading a video to Youtube, or compiling together that office project when the screen turns red and reads: "The file you chose is not a supported format." It could even be a business proposal someone sent you that has a newer version of Microsoft Word. What should you do? Convert the file to a format that is supported. But how do you do that? You can use freeware/paid programs or websites to transfer your file to a readable file type. This how-to will give you the sites and programs you will need to achieve this. Read More...

, , , , , 8/07/2008 02:32:00 PM

Tip: Bypass the UAC (Extra Tricks)

Tip: Bypass the UAC (Extra Tricks)

So if you have read my latest tip, Disable UAC for Certain Programs, you may notice some problems. For one, it takes some time for the program to load when you click the shortcut. Also, a black box flashes before it opens. Another problem is the icon's logo is not the program's logo. Wouldn't it be nice if these problems were fixed? In this edition of Tips, you can add bells and whistles to your UAC Bypassing shortcuts. Read More...

, , , , , 8/04/2008 09:57:00 PM

Tip: Disable the UAC for Certain Programs

Tip: Disable the UAC for Certain Programs

In my previous article, we learned the two ways to disable the Windows Vista UAC: a command prompt hack and through command prompt. It is not a good idea to disable the UAC for extended periods of time due to security vulnerabilities and programs gaining unauthorized access to your computer. Most of us though, are so annoyed with certain programs being blocked by the UAC. The reason for this is because the program needs to perform an administrative task such as accessing the internet (Browsers are exempt), and editing and deleting files in system folders (Such as Program Files and the Windows folder). In fact, you probably disabled UAC because it blocks one of your programs that you use frequently. There is hope. With a simple little trick using the task scheduler, you can run your programs with administrative privileges without the UAC bothering you! Read More...

, , , , , 8/03/2008 03:41:00 PM

P@$$words: Securing Your Life

P@$$words: Securing Your Life

You just got a brand new computer after the last one was hacked into because of a weak password. Now you are paranoid about having a password that no one can crack. Is it better if you make it long, or complicated, or even short with random characters?? In this article all you password related questions will be answered. Read More...

, , , , , , 8/01/2008 01:05:00 AM