Web programming is what makes up all of the pages you see on your browser, and is a major part of computing (aside from writing actual programs). One of the most basic forms of web programming is HTML. We are not going to talk about PHP, Perl, ASP, or even JavaScript in this article, just plain HTML. We will discuss basic topics such as text fonts, formats, headers, titles, the structure of HTML, and tables. After reading this short little tutorial, you should be equipped with basic knowledge that is the basis of the beginning of a web design career. I have included links to more specific and exact websites for learning other languages such as PHP or JavaScript. Read More...
HTML Basics
Let's begin with some basics. You are probably wondering what HTML stands for. HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language and it is one of the many languages web browser "understand". HTML is a system of < (open braces) and > (closing braces). For example, take a look at the following pseudo code:
<Library name="Los Angeles County Library" city="Los Angeles" state="California">
<Section type="Fiction">
<Shelf number="113.2" Row="4">
<Book Title="Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows" Author="J.K. Rowling" ...>
By looking at the example above you can tell me the Book, the author, call number, Library, etc. HTML is similar to this because it is system of commands enclosed in brackets (<Library>), occasionally with attributes (type="Fiction"), and closing brackets (</Library>). This is the basis of HTML. The browser interprets the HTML the same way you looked at the example code.
HTML Editor
Most people would answer with an astounding Dreamweaver!! Whoa, easy there. You are just starting to learn HTML. Unless if you have a lot of money to spend, I wouldn't go breaking the bank just yet. You might decide web programming is not for you after reading this article (That's ok, as long as you didn't invest the vacation fund toward buy Dreamweaver). There are many great free or shareware programs out there that will do a beginner well. Believe it or not, notepad is one of them. I know it's been a long time since you have used it, so here is a refresher course on how to find it. First get out the Swiffer duster, because we're going to be stirring up some dust. Click Start>All Programs>Accessories>Notepad. You should see a very downgraded version (and by downgraded I mean having no resemblance to) Microsoft Word. Get familiar with it because it is going to be your best (coding) friend for the rest of the article (Unless if you find a suitable freeware/shareware program). I would suggest using notepad, though, because it doesn't have any of those fancy features that writes all the code for you or finishes your statements. The only way you are going to become good at this is if you learn it without any help then get one of those programs. This way you can learn the fancy program, but if there is something wrong, you can go back to good 'ol typing everything in manually.
I know I have probably gone way to fast for all you beginners, so let's take a break and return soon with the continuation to this article Web Programming Part II (Return of the HTML Tags!). (I would take this time to go get a cup of coffee with extra caffeine and a comfy chair to sit in because in the next tutorial, we're going to be typing like mad!! Get Ready)
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