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How-To: Reset Your Windows Password

Reset Your Windows Password

So you turn on your computer today to check you email for a very important information about your raise from your boss. You anxiously watch as Windows XP loads. By the time your blue login screen comes up, your fingernails are inches shorter. You are almost there. All you have to do it login...Wait. Why won't it accept my password!! Work!! It's not working!! What's wrong?? I need that email now! Why won't it log me in. But wait, there's a password hint! It's blank! You must have not set it because you didn't think it was necessary. What should you do?? In this article we will be learning a very quick fix that can save you a lot of time and money (Professional Services are Rip-Off's). Read More...

, , , , , , 7/27/2008 07:04:00 PM

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