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Update: Our New Groups!

Update: Our New Groups!

Just yesterday we launched our all new Groups on Yahoo and on Google. If you have any questions, comments (Which you can post here), suggestions, or would like to submit an article for the site you can post them on one of the two group, the forum, the comments on any article, or as always PM them to us on our Youtube Account. That also reminds me, we are almost in to August and we still don't have any suggestion for the Reader's Request. If you have a suggestion, please post it. If there is only one request, then that will be the Reader's Request Article. Also, if you haven't signed up for the forums, please do (Signup). It is a great and free resource to answer all your computer questions without having to call a tech support line! After the Read More, I will give you links to our new Google and Yahoo groups! Read More...

, , , , 7/29/2008 12:47:00 PM

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