So it's summer time and you are probably enjoying a nice vacation at some warm place or maybe you are at a relative's house in the middle of nowhere. Despite the fact you promised your wife you wouldn't check your email or get online once over your vacation the thought of being internet less kills you. You come up with all these excuses about this offer that work is putting together or some important form you have to fill out that's due in the middle of your break. The problem is where you're going is in the middle of nowhere and there is no cable or internet. What will you do? Well, with a little innovation and some trips to the store, you can have free (but slow) internet over your vacation. Read More...
"So how is this possible?" you ask. Especially since it is free. Well, I'm sure you've been to the store and seen all the candy in the checkout isle, but one this you probably neglected to notice was those free dial-up internet trial usually with the store's brand name on it. As long as your vacation home has internet (And your laptop still has a phone jack) you can get free internet. Depending on how long your vacation will be go to different stores and pick up their free dial-up trial discs. Once you have all these materials make sure you get one major compnent. A phone line splitter. You can never be too prepared in this situation. The worst thing that can happen is you get down (or up deepening where your going) there, and there is only one phone jack in the whole house (Log cabin, hotel, etc). You can get a splitter from your local electronics or Radio Shack. Please note: You must get different disks because if you use two disks from the same store, the software won't install again. Let me just say, use this sparingly, you don't want to waste you whole vacation on the computer checking my site for updates, you can do that when you come back. Happy surfing!
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