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This blog is designed to answer common FAQ about computers. Our library of Q&A is expanding every day so you can have your questions answered quickly. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to send us mail through our Youtube Channel. DISCLAIMER: FlashCreations is not responsible for any action taken based on our articles that caused damage to your property.

How to: Optomize Your Computer to Peak Condition

How-To: Optimize Your Computer to Peak Condition

So your computer isn't as fast as it used to be. Simply opening up Firefox (If you have Internet Explorer, Get Firefox) takes a few minutes let alone typing your five page business report. Your computer has become bogged down over the years, but instead of buying a new one or remodeling yours, you want to optimize yours so it's as good as new. You've been searching the web for the best ways to do so with no avail. You have finally found the right article. Here you will find simple, quick, and don't forget, free, ways to optimize your PC! Read More...

Tip: Disable the Delete Option for the Recycle Bin
in Windows Vista

Tip: Disable the Delete Option for the Recycle Bin in Windows Vista

If you right click on the recycle bin in Windows Vista you will notice the normal right click menu with all the options. Wait, there's a delete option. How can that be! You can delete the recycle bin!! Well, actually in Vista you can. Microsoft decided instead of hiding it you could simply delete it. I never understood why Microsoft added this feature, but it would get pretty annoying if someone on your computer deleted your Recycling Bin. There is a way to un-delete it, but how about permanently un-deleting the Recycle bin. Read More...

, , , , , 6/28/2008 02:37:00 PM

Tip: Snap Mouse to the Default Button

Tip: Snap Mouse to the Default Button

Do you know how much time we spend moving our cursors to the save buttons. A lot! Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to jump you cursor right to the default button. Yes it would, and for those who are wishing that, your wish has been granted. Read More...

, , , , , , , 6/28/2008 02:27:00 AM

How-To: Disable User Account Control (UAC) in
Windows Vista

How-To: Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista

Some people absolutely hate Windows Vista, and some love it, but they all agree on one thing: Vista's new security feature UAC (User Account Control) is very annoying. For almost anything (Ok; Maybe I'm stretching it a little) you do, Vista asks: Would You Like to Be Less Productive? Cancel or Allow. Sometimes when you are installing lots of programs or performing lots of administrative tasks you want a way to rid of the annoying prompts. While there is a way to do this, let me make one suggestion: Do not disable UAC for extended periods of time. If you leave it off your computer will be very vulnerable to attackers. Read More...

, , , , , , , , 6/28/2008 01:22:00 AM

Tutorial: Web Programming Part 1


Web Programming Part 1

Web programming is what makes up all of the pages you see on your browser, and is a major part of computing (aside from writing actual programs). One of the most basic forms of web programming is HTML. We are not going to talk about PHP, Perl, ASP, or even JavaScript in this article, just plain HTML. We will discuss basic topics such as text fonts, formats, headers, titles, the structure of HTML, and tables. After reading this short little tutorial, you should be equipped with basic knowledge that is the basis of the beginning of a web design career. I have included links to more specific and exact websites for learning other languages such as PHP or JavaScript. Read More...

, , , , , , , 6/27/2008 10:22:00 PM

The Best Protection

1 Comment »
The Best Protection

It is one of the most important things you can have on your computer. It is virus/spyware/adware protection software. Most people don't appreciate the importance of this type of protection. If you are connected to the internet you attack rate is even higher and so is your risk. Hackers can gain access to anything on your computer using exploits. They can even delete all you data and possibly destroy sensitive information. Read More...

A Free Programming Language: Basic

A Free Programming Language: Basic

Have you ever wanted to write a program, but were discouraged by the complexity of most programming languages? It just seemed too complex to learn and not worth it. Well that's all about to change. There is a simple, easy to learn, and not to mention free programming language for beginners. It is called Just Basic and it simplifies programming for you so you can write professional code without having to know all that confusing structure and syntax. Read More...

Torrents: Legal or Illegal?

Torrents: Legal or Illegal?

I'm sure you've probably heard the term torrent. You may have even used them. But, what really are torrents and how do they work? How can you download all those files at blazing fast speeds? Why aren't they illegal? What are the advantages to using torrents vs. file storage websites. What programs do I need to use torrents? Most people use torrents for sharing music, photos, and documents, but some abuse them. All these questions about torrents and more will be answered in this article. Read More...

Windows Vista vs. Windows XP

Windows Vista vs. Windows XP

Which is better, Windows XP or Vista? Should I buy Vista or stay with XP? There are going to be a verity of answers to this question. A lot of people hate Vista, but some love it. Vista has some great features that provide a huge advantage over XP, but some, are just plain annoying. XP also has some definite advantages over Vista and disadvantages, too. Therefore, you should probably make a decision based on these factors: Read More...